Monday, September 29, 2008

Stretched to the Max!

So my belly button popped out a few days ago. That makes it easier to clean :) I can't imagine getting any bigger and I still have 5 weeks! I am so excited for this little buddy to come, mostly so i can get him out of my rib cage. Dave and I already love this little guy and are so excited to meet him. We are thinking of naming him Clay, but we will see what he looks like first.


Anonymous said...

cute name, cute belly! Call me!

Amiee said...

How come I wasn't that cute when I was pregnant?! You're adorable!!!!

TaNisha said...

Melissa you are the cutest thing! Aunt TaNishie can't wait to meet baby Clay.
Hmm...Clay Chewey Geddes
Nice ring huh? LOL
Love you guys!

Katie said...

How cute are you! I wish I looked like that when I was pregnant!

Michelle said...

Oh Meliss you are so cute prego! I can't wait to see pics of him!

Lille and Timmy said...

I agree with everyone...You look SO good! You got this cute little skinny bod and then your pregnant bump. I love it! You look good, can't wait to see him!! PS...I like the name Clay.

Brittany and Adam said...

Oh meliss you are going to be such a good mom! your such a cute pregnant person! And I am glad you can clean your belly button now. I miss you!

Luke and Linds said...

Melissa! Yay, you are pregnant and the little guy is going to here so soon! It really doesn't seem very fast when his foot's in your rib cage, and there's an elbow periodically in your bladder... You look great! Just wait till after the baby, and to really check out your belly button, it's like a little swimming pool.(-: Congrats!! Love ya!

Kristi said...

You look so cute Prego! I bet the next 5 weeks goes fast for you (or I hope so!) I can't wait to see pictures of him.

Brenda said...

Hope all continues to go well. You look great. We wish we could have seen you before we moved to Utah. Keep Smiling

the depews said...


Carissa said...

You are so cute! I think at that point in my pregnancy I had resigned myself to sweatshirts and pony tails! You're a doll!

The Gwilliams said...

I can't believe you already have 5 weeks left! It's probably going really slow though for you. I know the last month just dragged on and on for me, but hang in there! You look super cute by the way! We're so excited for you guys!

Kellen and Erin said...

Hey guys! I just found your blog on the sutariks', so I thought I'd say hi! We haven't been updating our blog very well lately, but we've been keeping up on everyone else's so I was glad to find you! Melissa you are one big mama! (In a good way;). How fun. I'm so happy for you!

Leanna said...

Hey girl! You may not feel like it, but you do look super cute. The waiting game is the worst, but try to get all the rest that you can while you can!

Becca Lund said...

I stole your blog address from Kristen! Congrats on a baby boy, you are adorable prego-- and you two will have one good looking kid!

Albertson Family said...

Melissa you look so cute, and congrats to the both of you. You guys will be the best parents ever!!!! email me and I will invite you to my that is what it feels like (that you can't get any bigger) can:)

jonisill said...

It looks like your ready to pop. yeah!! Im so excited for you. I hope it all goes well

Cristi said...

I love that name!

Sarah and Adam said...

finally found your blog! Yeah me! So sorry I missed your shower! Hope you had fun and got lots of good stuff!Good luck with your delivery! I can give you my address on facebook, or you can wait till we see each other (soon)